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Welcome to the May Court Club Of Windsor

The May Court Club of Windsor’s focus is to address the needs of children and youth of
Windsor and Essex County

The May Court Club of Windsor is a registered charitable organization dedicated to addressing the needs of children in our Windsor Essex County community.

Evolving from the Junior Hospital League (1925) and established originally as a women’s service club in 1934, it began by setting up a Thrift Shop, a Day Nursery, a Prenatal Clinic and a food program for undernourished children in Windsor and Essex County.

Our May Court Club of Windsor is now an inclusive club with our membership open to everyone – the first club in all of the Association of May Court Clubs of Canada to do so.

We generate revenue by hosting unique fundraising opportunities and by offering gently used (and sometimes new) clothing, shoes, and housewares at our May Court Club Shoppe.  Our Shoppe is run exclusively by our amazing volunteers. 

Our community has embraced our philosophy of providing funds each year to organizations who work with children and youth by donating their gently used clothing and housewares, by attending our Shoppe, participating in our fundraisers, and celebrating with us as we distribute funds. 

We always welcome new members to the May Court Club of Windsor! We want you to feel this incredible energy of giving and contributing to our community.